Stepping into sustainability
We only have one Earth and our survival is utterly dependent on it.
Our members understand how important it is to align sustainability with their businesses. That is why they have taken on major commitments,
stepping up seriously into sustainability initiatives that allow them to live in harmony with the environment, while creating long-term value.
Moving forward along the path to sustainability, our industry has been working to improve performance and reduce our resource footprint.
Sustainability is important to us and central to everything that​ we do at the European Balloon & Party Council - and we are just getting started on our journey to become more environmentally conscious.
Our industry is not perfect but we are committed to making our future the cause of our present. That is why EBPC is helping to lead the industry by providing the appropriate tools and knowledge to move towards a greener way of operating.
These are our top priorities:
Reducing our carbon emissions
Our industry is committed to finding new and improved ways to reduce carbon emissions from our manufacturing.
We have facilitated a carbon footprint calculator so members may measure, monitor and improve their carbon footprint.
Minimising our waste
We are currently collaborating with industry partners to evaluate a recycling program, and assisting members to be aware of manufacturing waste impacts.
Encouraging responsible use
We believe that consumer education has a key role to play in addressing environmental challenges. That is why we promote balloon best practices.
Supporting local economy
We aim to support local economy where latex and raw materials come from, as well as the communities that can be employed locally.
Supporting our members
By undertaking world class sustainability training, we are helping our members understand the critical steps they need to take to become more sustainable through comprehensive guidance.